
Wednesday, 26 August 2015

How to prevent yourself from getting sick

Image result for Sick emoji
Room 5 literacy where learning about How to prevent yourself from getting sick, and here is a paragraph I did about this activity we did. 
Keeping warm is another way to prevent yourself from getting sick. I’m gonna write about how to prevent yourself from getting sick so the first  thing to make you prevent yourself from getting sick is keeping warm on cold weathers. So to keep warm in cold weathers is to put on some pants a nice a warm jumper and some socks. Then when you are sleeping at night try have 2 blankets on and maybe a hot water bottle, and wear some gloves if you have some but if you dont then rub your hands together and it might get warm for an example it like the samoan thing that they go something like they say me meli meli meli then that's when they rub there hands nice and fast and hard. Thats a example of rubbing your hands together is to do that. That’s one thing to prevent yourself from getting sick is to keep warm.

Concept Circle

Me and my group where learning about the key words and putting it on the Concept Circle. Then we have to explain in our own words to talk about what it means.

Friday, 21 August 2015

Smart Footprints

Room 1 and me where learning about Smart Footprints with Miss Kyla. We where talking about stuff that people can see online and stuff like that. So me and my buddy Tevita made this goggle drawing about what we talked about. hope you enjoy the work we done.